A to Z 2014

A to Z 2014
A to Z 2014

Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for Fairy Tales & Fashion

Once upon a time there was a skinny little girl would could eat what ever she wanted, never gain weight and even after turning forty her metabolism didn't change, her shoulders remained wider than her hips, and she lived happily ever after wearing a size 4.  The End.

So much for the Fairy Tale portion of this blog so let's move on to Fashion.  Every year I am glued to the TV during award season.  Makes no difference what award show it is, The Sag Awards, the Emmies, Peoples Choice Awards, Country Music Awards, or the creme-de-la-creme, the Academy Awards.  Do I really care who wins best set design for a movie I've never seen?  Of course not silly, it's all about the clothes, the jewels, the hair, and the shoes!

I'm such a rabid red carpet fan that no amount of jeers or hoots from my significant other can shame me in to moving my butt from front and center of our 42" Toshiba.   I just shush him, making sure I get in a snide remark about Super Bowl.

Now In real life I'm a jeans and sweatshirt kind of gal but somewhere inside there must be a little girl who wants her chance to play dress up.  Under my bed is a stash of Vogue and Marie Clair magazines old enough that the models who posed in them are probably now past their prime.  Call me a voyeur but I just love looking at photos of someone in 5" stilletos, positioned awkwardly on a piece of lawn furniture, wearing an outfit that cost more than I make in six months.  Hmm, maybe it's just the light in here but I think I'm looking a little green. 


  1. You sound just like me! I'm completely addicted to my monthly fashion and makeup magazine subscriptions and can sit for hours lusting after those clothes. We won't even go into my passion for handbags and shoes. In fact, my husband has tried several times to put a moratorium on shoe buying, but it never works. Forget the old "You can never be too rich or too thin;" my motto is "You can never have enough shoes or handbags!" :)

  2. You crack me up! However, we make popcorn and diss on the fashioneesta's walking the red carpet. Bob and I have been known to schedule real estate showings around awards...no, no, we can only see three houses today (gotta be home for the pre-show)!

  3. I knew I liked Bob! Was there butter on the popcorn?

  4. Fairy tales! I love 'em - good to dream ... and drool over the fashion pages and wonder (with a green gleam in the eye) if they've been photoshopped!
