A to Z 2014

A to Z 2014
A to Z 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

B is for Boredom

When you pay attention to boredom it gets unbelievably interesting.  What is it and why do we experience it?  Do animals get bored?  Do new born babies get bored?   Are goldfish bored swimming around in their little goldfish bowls?

I remember as a kid whining to my mom, "I'm bored, there's nothing to do," and her standard reply was always, "Then go outside and play."  She was smart enough not to 'fix' my boredom, rather she let me find my own inner resources.  Whether she was consciously teaching me a lesson or just getting me out of her hair, the result was the same.  I learned to entertainment myself. 

I recently read that, "boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity that nothing is."  I totally buy in to this theory.  When you live in the moment, you pay attention and appreciate what you are doing.  Even the most mundane task becomes less boring if you practice this.  For example, if you are washing dishes enjoy the feel of the hot, soapy water, hold the glass up to see it sparkle, enjoy the scent of whatever dish detergent you use and when the job is done relish that your kitchen is once again neat and tidy.  Keep your mind focused on what you are doing in the present and don't  let it race ahead to the next thing on your agenda.  Remember, boredom is a state of mind not a state of being.


  1. "boredom is a state of mind not a state of being." absolutely true. Please update your badge to 2014 version to make it easier to identify your participation. :)

    Damyanti Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2014

    Twitter: @damyantig

  2. What a lovely way to express boredom and change it into something positive.

  3. I've almost never had a boredom issue. The only times where when I was young (5ish and younger) and my mom would take me somewhere and try to make me be still the whole time. Like at the fabric store. Those trips were horrid.

  4. Great post Vicki thank you! As my parents did, so did I too with my boys when they were little. Go out to the bottom of the garden and look for fairies or goblins or magical butterflies. Or just day dream ...
    Mindfulness in all that we do .. whether washing dishes .. lovely example.
