A to Z 2014

A to Z 2014
A to Z 2014

Monday, March 25, 2013

Thanks to Leigh, my awesome sis-in-law, I signed up to participate in this year's "Blogging From A to Z Challenge".   We all need some motivational help once in a while,  right?  Here's the link for anyone else who works better under pressure.  I'll read yours if you'll read mine:) 



  1. Hi and welcome to the A to Z Challenge sign up. I am Yvonne, one of Arlee Bird's Ambassador's to hep him with the challenge. I hope all your preparations are going to plan, and look forward to reading your post during the challenge.


  2. It looks like you did what I did - started a new blog just for the A to Z challenge. So you live in Northern Michigan. I've lived in several places in Michigan, now in the Detroit area.
    BTW: I am the 2nd person to sign up after you. It was just a few minutes ago and I don't appear in the list yet. How long did it take you?

    1. Guilty as charged, I'm a new blogger:) My name showed up on the list right away so if yours isn't on there you should probably try signing up again. What is your blogspot name so I can watch for your postings?

  3. Just stopping by to say hi! I signed up for the A to Z blog challenge for the first time!

  4. Hello. Just stopping by to wish you luck with the challenge :D

    1. Thanks Rebeccah, I'm looking foward to it. Good luck to your too:) Have you entered this before?

  5. You can do it! Good luck, and all the other bloggers/ writers are rooting for you!

